ICOI world congress XX Berlin です。これに付随して河奈先生(慶応大学口腔外科)のお計らいにより、マインツ大学、フランクフルト大学、Degussa Dentalの見学も兼ねて行ってきました。ご覧になれるスナップのコメントとともに学会内容のトピックなど、まとまり次第ここにアップしていく予定です。
Friday,October 13th,2000
09:30am | Prof.Dr.Dr.S.Szmukler-Moncler
(CH) |
The Influence of Surface State on the Predictability of Earl and Immediate Loading Protocols in Implant Dentistry. |
10:30am | Paul.S.Petrungaro,DDS,MS
(USA) |
Treatment Planning.Diagnostic Waxing and Use of Transitional Implants. |
11:00am | Carl E.Misch,DDS,MDS
(USA) |
Stress and Bone Turnover Rates Determinates of Risk Facter. |
11:30am | Dr.med.dent.Karl-L.Ackermann
(D) |
Experience Based Trend Setting Implant Surgical and Implant presthetic Treatment Concepts in Various Indication.
01:00pm | John Y.H.Ismail,DMD,MS,PhD
(USA) |
Host Tissue Response to Implant Restorations. |
01:30pm | EdwinScher,BDS,LDS,RCS,DGPS
(GB) |
How to operate more Safely in the Posterior Mandible. |
03:30pm | Prof.Dr.Patrick Missika
(F) |
Immediate Implants and their Influence on Esthetics. |
04:30pm | Israel Abrahami,DMD
(IL) |
Novel Guidance System for Spacing,Angulating and Paralleling Placement of Dental Implants. |
05:00pm | Prof.Dr.Dr.Med.dent.Andreas Valentin
(D) |
Hard and Soft Tissue Preservation by Implant Design. |
05:30pm | Carl E.Misch DDS,MDS
(USA) |
Short vs Long Implants. |
Friday,October 14th,2000
08:30am | Richard Kraut,DDS
(USA) |
Size and Shape Matter-Posterior Maxillary Implants. |
09:00am | Jack Hahn,DDS
(USA) |
Your Future in Implant Dentistry "Same Day Teeth"-Single Stage/Immediate Loading /Transitional Implants. |
10:30am | Morton Perel ,DDS,MDS
(USA) |
Prosthetic Planning-Solving the Problems before Placing the Implants. |
11:00am | Hom-Lay Wang,DDS,MDS
(USA) |
Guided Bone Regeneration Utilizing Absorbable Collagen Membranes. |
01:00pm | Dr.med.dent.Georg Arentowicz and Dr.Dr.Kristian Bieniek
(D) |
RBM-Implants-A New Way to Implant Surface Treatment. |
01:30pm | Prof.Dr.h.c.Hans L.Grafelmann
(D) |
Evolution of Implantorogy in Germany. |
02:00pm | Michael A.Pikos,DDS
(USA) |
Esthetic Zone Reconstruction Hard and Soft Tissue Synergy. |
02:30pm | Richard Stallard,DDS,MS,Phd
(IND) |
The Gingival Implant Junction.A Measure of Implant Health. |
03:00pm | Prof.Dr.Heiner Weber
(D) |
Esthetics Next to Nature Prosthetics of Today. |
03:30pm | Arthur Ashman,DDS
(USA) |
Ridge Preservation and the IImmediate Post Extraction Implant. |
04:30pm | Jack T Krauser,DDS
(USA) |
PEPGEN P15 - A New Tissue Engineered Bone Graft Material. |
05:00pm | Dr.Osamu Yamakawa
(J) |
Application of the Latest Imaging Diagnosis Technique. |
05:30pm | Roland M.Meffert,DDS
(USA) |
Maintenance Repair of the Dental Implant. |